Mind Boggling
By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta
Chapter 73
I am amazed by Christians. Christians are people who will tell you, without batting an eyelid that:-
1. There is a Being called God who created us all.
2. There is only one God, the Christian God.
3. There is a devil called Satan. Satan was an angel of God who rebelled.
4. Of the things you can see, they claim that all those things were created before man and man was given power over those things.
5. Of women, they claim that woman was created after man, from a man’s rib but man is superior to woman. You would have thought that woman having been created after man, would be superior to man just like man is superior to all that was created before him!
6. A man called Moses who lived a long time ago split the red sea into two by touching it with his shepherd’s staff.
7. A man called Daniel was thrown into a lions den and into burning fire and came out unscathed because God sent an angel to guard over him.
8. A virgin got pregnant.
9. The virgin gave birth to a boy who is the Son of God.
10. The Son of God rose from the dead.
11. The Son of God saved us from sin.
12. Even though the Son of God was a Jew, he came to save all people of the world and not just the Jews alone. I am a Kenyan woman and yet I am supposed to believe that the Son of my God came to earth as a Jewish man.
These are just some of the unbelievable stuff you get from Christians and they expect you to believe it without proof. They also tell you that if you ask Jesus into your heart, you will be saved from sin. Asking Jesus into your heart entails saying a prayer to that effect and meaning those words when you say them and believing that what you are saying is possible. If you do that, your life will change wonderfully, your sins will be washed away by the blood of the lamb and you will be white as snow!
Obviously Christianity is all about the supernatural. It deals with matters that are completely outside the realm of the world we live in.
The question is: how do Christians determine what is true and what is not since everything they believe in is truly all in their imaginations?
If you tell them that there is such a thing as reincarnation, they say no way, yet they believe in rising from the dead when Jesus comes again.
I think that Christians interpret the Bible too literally. The words of the Bible are not meant to be taken and made to fit into our lives. Our lives are meant to be changed by the words of the Bible. We Christians take the Bible and literally apply it to our lives as if what it talks about is real life yet the Bible talks about spiritual concepts.
There is a limit to how far our imaginations can take us and the limit is the Bible. The Bible is the reference book when it comes to understanding God and the supernatural.
I have written about spiritual identities and been criticized for it as not being in conformity with what Christians believe. I wrote that the spiritual identity of Jesus is passion. Does the Bible talk about spiritual identities AT ALL?
Of course it does! Does the Bible say that GOD IS LOVE? What is love? Is it not a spiritual identity? If God is love, and Jesus is passion, and the Bible tells us that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no-one goes to the Father except through him, doesn’t that mean that without passion, you cannot find love? And is that not a fact of life?
Is it easier to believe that Jesus is the Son of God than it is to believe that Jesus is passion?
I think that a passion filled life is a life with Jesus. And spiritual identities are essential to a greater understanding of God.
Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a miniscule mustard seed, you can move a mountain. I am yet to hear of someone who has moved a mountain by faith alone. Does that not tell us Christians that we might be going wrong in our understanding of Jesus and who He really is?
If I will ever find my missing ‘something’, I must be willing to see things differently and to find logic in Christianity so that I can find a means to apply Christianity into my life as the spiritual being that I am, created in the image of a spiritual being identified as Love.
By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta
Chapter 73
I am amazed by Christians. Christians are people who will tell you, without batting an eyelid that:-
1. There is a Being called God who created us all.
2. There is only one God, the Christian God.
3. There is a devil called Satan. Satan was an angel of God who rebelled.
4. Of the things you can see, they claim that all those things were created before man and man was given power over those things.
5. Of women, they claim that woman was created after man, from a man’s rib but man is superior to woman. You would have thought that woman having been created after man, would be superior to man just like man is superior to all that was created before him!
6. A man called Moses who lived a long time ago split the red sea into two by touching it with his shepherd’s staff.
7. A man called Daniel was thrown into a lions den and into burning fire and came out unscathed because God sent an angel to guard over him.
8. A virgin got pregnant.
9. The virgin gave birth to a boy who is the Son of God.
10. The Son of God rose from the dead.
11. The Son of God saved us from sin.
12. Even though the Son of God was a Jew, he came to save all people of the world and not just the Jews alone. I am a Kenyan woman and yet I am supposed to believe that the Son of my God came to earth as a Jewish man.
These are just some of the unbelievable stuff you get from Christians and they expect you to believe it without proof. They also tell you that if you ask Jesus into your heart, you will be saved from sin. Asking Jesus into your heart entails saying a prayer to that effect and meaning those words when you say them and believing that what you are saying is possible. If you do that, your life will change wonderfully, your sins will be washed away by the blood of the lamb and you will be white as snow!
Obviously Christianity is all about the supernatural. It deals with matters that are completely outside the realm of the world we live in.
The question is: how do Christians determine what is true and what is not since everything they believe in is truly all in their imaginations?
If you tell them that there is such a thing as reincarnation, they say no way, yet they believe in rising from the dead when Jesus comes again.
I think that Christians interpret the Bible too literally. The words of the Bible are not meant to be taken and made to fit into our lives. Our lives are meant to be changed by the words of the Bible. We Christians take the Bible and literally apply it to our lives as if what it talks about is real life yet the Bible talks about spiritual concepts.
There is a limit to how far our imaginations can take us and the limit is the Bible. The Bible is the reference book when it comes to understanding God and the supernatural.
I have written about spiritual identities and been criticized for it as not being in conformity with what Christians believe. I wrote that the spiritual identity of Jesus is passion. Does the Bible talk about spiritual identities AT ALL?
Of course it does! Does the Bible say that GOD IS LOVE? What is love? Is it not a spiritual identity? If God is love, and Jesus is passion, and the Bible tells us that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no-one goes to the Father except through him, doesn’t that mean that without passion, you cannot find love? And is that not a fact of life?
Is it easier to believe that Jesus is the Son of God than it is to believe that Jesus is passion?
I think that a passion filled life is a life with Jesus. And spiritual identities are essential to a greater understanding of God.
Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a miniscule mustard seed, you can move a mountain. I am yet to hear of someone who has moved a mountain by faith alone. Does that not tell us Christians that we might be going wrong in our understanding of Jesus and who He really is?
If I will ever find my missing ‘something’, I must be willing to see things differently and to find logic in Christianity so that I can find a means to apply Christianity into my life as the spiritual being that I am, created in the image of a spiritual being identified as Love.
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