Mind Boggling
By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta
Chapter 45
What does your mother do for you? She gives birth to you. So if you want to be reborn and come to a full understanding of who you are and what your purpose in life is, you need to go back to her. She has the answers for you. You do not have to see her like I did yesterday, you only need to think deeply about her. And then you will see her as who she really is. If you think that you have wronged her IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, correct that wrong immediately. If she has wronged you, forgive her immediately. You will make a connection with her similar to the one that was made when God breathed life into you when you were in her womb.
The same applies to your father. You are part of him too and if you have any wrong things between yourself and your father address that wrong immediately otherwise, you cannot graduate to a life of passion.
Your parents are the starting point to a life of passion. Just like they are the starting point to your life here on earth.
Until you have complied with this commandment, the thoughts that God planted in your mind at birth which are meant to give you the life that you were born to live, will remain thoughts. They cannot ever become actions which create for you the life you were born to live. Make peace with your parents dead or alive. IT IS ALL IN YOUR MIND. Forgive them and forgive yourself for not knowing better. Accept that you have learned a valuable lesson and MOVE ON.
I opened the Book of Life, the Bible, and read Chapter 1 and I realized that this world and all that is in it was formed inside my mind while I was still in my mother’s womb. I am a light. My body is a humanly form of what I look like in my real form as a light. My body makes me visible to myself and others here on earth.
When I was with my mother, I imagined myself inside her womb being formed and I realized that during that time, all the things I see now, were instilled in me. Those who will understand this concept the best are those who were able to understand the movie ‘Matrix’ which I wasn’t able to! Life after all is an illusion and the sooner you wake up to that realization, the better for you.
It is all in your mind. Your mind is the Garden of Eden. God planted everything in your mind at birth and what you see is what He planted. Some of it is not real. It is an illusion. He divided the day from the night i.e. He divided the real from the unreal. He planted something real in your mind and you must free yourself and see that real thing.
I have decided that I need to read the Bible a lot more than I was doing. It has all the answers I need to find my missing something and be completed and if it were possible for me to read it all in one go, I would. But, I know that the events that will occur in my life from this day on, will be of a higher class than the one I was in before I started writing and as I read on, many more complicated revelations will be given to me and I have to familiarize myself with the Bible so that I understand what I need to do. This is how life works. The Bible is your text book, the theory part of your lessons and the events in your life are the practical part of the lessons.
I have graduated, been reborn but I am still here on earth, I am not dead and I have a passionate project to work on which am certain will bring me to an even better understanding of WHO I AM. And I cannot wait to see the reality once I have learned all the lessons. It’s exciting.
Nobody I love died yesterday. What happened is that I graduated. And it feels like attending a funeral. Letting go of all the nonsense in your life is not easy. You are so attached to it, you believe its real AND IT IS NOT. Like me and thinking that someone was going to die. Now I know that what I was feeling was my mind telling me that I had crossed into a new realm of understanding. Moving on requires a spiritual funeral.
You are a fool not to let go because what lies ahead, what you are missing, is incredible but until you free yourself from the nonsense of mean driving, not forgiving, worrying about money and ALL that stupid stuff, you are on the highway to hell. Which is where I was and now I have turned around and changed direction. We are stupidly holding onto the things of this world completely oblivious to where we came from and where we are going.
As children grow, they graduate from one class to another and during this process, what happens to them? They become cleverer. They acquire a better understanding of the world around them and who they are. In the same way, the search for my missing something has brought me to a place now where I have acquired a better understanding of the world around me and WHO I AM. Such that I can actually see things differently now. Like I have acquired some information which was not available to me previously.
When you graduate a class, the learning you undergo in the next class is a gradual process. You have to read books and sit exams in lessons for that class in order to learn what you need to learn. That is where I am now. I have been reborn into this world. I have found my TREE OF LIFE.
By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta
Chapter 45
What does your mother do for you? She gives birth to you. So if you want to be reborn and come to a full understanding of who you are and what your purpose in life is, you need to go back to her. She has the answers for you. You do not have to see her like I did yesterday, you only need to think deeply about her. And then you will see her as who she really is. If you think that you have wronged her IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, correct that wrong immediately. If she has wronged you, forgive her immediately. You will make a connection with her similar to the one that was made when God breathed life into you when you were in her womb.
The same applies to your father. You are part of him too and if you have any wrong things between yourself and your father address that wrong immediately otherwise, you cannot graduate to a life of passion.
Your parents are the starting point to a life of passion. Just like they are the starting point to your life here on earth.
Until you have complied with this commandment, the thoughts that God planted in your mind at birth which are meant to give you the life that you were born to live, will remain thoughts. They cannot ever become actions which create for you the life you were born to live. Make peace with your parents dead or alive. IT IS ALL IN YOUR MIND. Forgive them and forgive yourself for not knowing better. Accept that you have learned a valuable lesson and MOVE ON.
I opened the Book of Life, the Bible, and read Chapter 1 and I realized that this world and all that is in it was formed inside my mind while I was still in my mother’s womb. I am a light. My body is a humanly form of what I look like in my real form as a light. My body makes me visible to myself and others here on earth.
When I was with my mother, I imagined myself inside her womb being formed and I realized that during that time, all the things I see now, were instilled in me. Those who will understand this concept the best are those who were able to understand the movie ‘Matrix’ which I wasn’t able to! Life after all is an illusion and the sooner you wake up to that realization, the better for you.
It is all in your mind. Your mind is the Garden of Eden. God planted everything in your mind at birth and what you see is what He planted. Some of it is not real. It is an illusion. He divided the day from the night i.e. He divided the real from the unreal. He planted something real in your mind and you must free yourself and see that real thing.
I have decided that I need to read the Bible a lot more than I was doing. It has all the answers I need to find my missing something and be completed and if it were possible for me to read it all in one go, I would. But, I know that the events that will occur in my life from this day on, will be of a higher class than the one I was in before I started writing and as I read on, many more complicated revelations will be given to me and I have to familiarize myself with the Bible so that I understand what I need to do. This is how life works. The Bible is your text book, the theory part of your lessons and the events in your life are the practical part of the lessons.
I have graduated, been reborn but I am still here on earth, I am not dead and I have a passionate project to work on which am certain will bring me to an even better understanding of WHO I AM. And I cannot wait to see the reality once I have learned all the lessons. It’s exciting.
Nobody I love died yesterday. What happened is that I graduated. And it feels like attending a funeral. Letting go of all the nonsense in your life is not easy. You are so attached to it, you believe its real AND IT IS NOT. Like me and thinking that someone was going to die. Now I know that what I was feeling was my mind telling me that I had crossed into a new realm of understanding. Moving on requires a spiritual funeral.
You are a fool not to let go because what lies ahead, what you are missing, is incredible but until you free yourself from the nonsense of mean driving, not forgiving, worrying about money and ALL that stupid stuff, you are on the highway to hell. Which is where I was and now I have turned around and changed direction. We are stupidly holding onto the things of this world completely oblivious to where we came from and where we are going.
As children grow, they graduate from one class to another and during this process, what happens to them? They become cleverer. They acquire a better understanding of the world around them and who they are. In the same way, the search for my missing something has brought me to a place now where I have acquired a better understanding of the world around me and WHO I AM. Such that I can actually see things differently now. Like I have acquired some information which was not available to me previously.
When you graduate a class, the learning you undergo in the next class is a gradual process. You have to read books and sit exams in lessons for that class in order to learn what you need to learn. That is where I am now. I have been reborn into this world. I have found my TREE OF LIFE.
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